Average rating4
Full of despair - great! This was one I picked up because Ito has a newer version of this story. I decided to do this one first, I finished this in a couple of day. We follow a character who has had a facade his entire boyhood to adult hood as a likable clown. This character works best with simple exchanges and doesn't like it when things get more complicated. Like his exchanges with sex workers when they try to get to know him or when he gets married. His wife is young and well protected by her family. She has an innocence that is uncomplicated and attractive to him, as soon as her life experiences a trauma he just can't seem to take that. He is afraid of people and is full of despair. Very interesting read and good art style and story telling through a 3rd party person. Can't wait to see how Ito portrays this work. If you like this you may like [b:Goodnight Punpun Omnibus, Vol. 1 25986929 Goodnight Punpun Omnibus, Vol. 1 Inio Asano https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1449607528l/25986929.SX50.jpg 47844094]