Average rating4
Not quite five stars because I was feeling like slapping the hero upside the head Gibbs-style during multiple scenes of the book, and I also could have done without several scenes where he took his shirt off and his chest was described...His attitude was a big issue for me. It speaks to Sundin's writing ability that I felt his character so strongly, but...there you have it.
I loved Georgie, though! She has to learn how to stand up for herself and find the path God has for her in life. Not her mother's idea of it, or her fiance's preference. Just Georgie and God...and she's got to face losing everything she has ever known by stepping out to do what she is called and talented to do. Many authors could try a story arc like that and end up just writing a tale of a rebellious young woman. But Georgie's not rebellious. She is tender-hearted and I was easily rooting for her to find the strength to stand up and walk away from the people who want to be her conscience.