Our Migrant Souls
Our Migrant Souls
A Meditation on Race and the Meanings and Myths of “Latino”
Average rating4.3
Beautifully written memoir/history/psychology of the wide range of people lumped by the American empire into the category of “Latino.” Deserves to be as well-read as Ta-Nehisi Coates' [b:Between the World and Me 25489625 Between the World and Me Ta-Nehisi Coates https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1451435027l/25489625.SY75.jpg 44848425]. God knows we need to raise up voices speaking truth to power about the fear and anger directed towards the Latino community, both “undocumented” and U.S. citizens. I'm writing this review on May 20, 2023. Yesterday, Fox News deplorable Laura Ingraham reluctantly admitted that her scare-mongering story about homeless veterans being kicked out of New York hotels to make room for “illegals” was a hoax. “Turns out the group behind the claim made it up,” she said, “We have no clue why anyone would do such a thing.”