Average rating3.5
DNF - PG 25
Look, I knew what I was getting myself into with this book: a straight, contemporary romance novel. Probably my least favorite genre that I still sometimes find myself trying to read. (I do, after all, know better than to even attempt to read a horror novel.)
However, I was first introduced to this story through an app called ‘Chapters' - which features something kind of a cross between romance novels and cyoa where you can romance the hot guy. Or, sometimes, the hot girl. Anyway, I played a ‘game' on there called Suddenly Royal and it wasn't until I was almost done with it that I discovered that it was adapted from a romance novel.
I loved the game. (And spent a good $20 that I shouldn't have on it.) I liked Sam, thought she was awesome and quirky and funny. I liked Alex, thought he was sweet and charming and just a genuinely nice guy.
Either I misremembered a lot, I was a lot more forgiving last year, or they changed a lot of things from the novel. Because, honestly, I can't stand these people.
Sam is always angry and a general terrible person to total strangers - except when she's lusting after the prince. Alex is...kind of a creep already. The way he leers at her is not charming at all. But he's just so hot that Sam is unwillingly drooling over him. (Side note: they do seem to have changed Sam's age, or at least the allusions to her age, making me think that she's close to ten years older than I though she was. Which, I find many things she does/says much less forgivable if she's at an age that should know better.)