Peaceful Neighbor: Discovering the Countercultural Mister Rogers

Peaceful Neighbor

Discovering the Countercultural Mister Rogers

2015 • 176 pages

Short review: I love Mr Rogers. And I found this book mostly worth reading. But it was probably longer than necessary and would have been fine as a long article. There were interesting insights that as a child I would not have understood when watching the TV show. But I think the book relied too heavily on TV episode explication and not enough on biography or direct writing of Rogers. This was probably made difficult by the fact that Rogers seemed to want to make his statements in the TV shows instead of publicly, but some of the examples seemed like they could have been understood other ways.

Overall I got a bit bored with the book but pushed through because of my interest in Mr Rogers. What I did do is go back and watch some of those old episodes. I would like to read a good full biography, but there do not appear to be any that are both full bios and well reviewed.

my full review is on my blog at

August 7, 2015Report this review