Average rating4
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS - No one does dark like Pepper Winters - so dark that I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that the future books in this series give me even a touch of romance, anything! Poor little Tasmin is taken from a party at only age 18 & spends the next two years as a sex slave, writing her memories down on toilet paper in hopes that someday, someone, anyone, no one will rescue her. The sexual violence she has to endure as Pimlico the sex slave is tragic, but I couldn't stomach the physical violence she was made to withstand. Elder Prest comes into her home one day to do business with her demented master, & it seems that Pim might have a glimpse of hope, a beautiful but damaged man might just notice her. “A penny for your thoughts, silent one.” Elder might not realize that his attention to her & his way of treating her as a girl who deserves to eat at the table would make her master punish her severely. Elder finally comes to his senses & returns to rescue Pim in the knick of time - another very violent scene displayed right in front of his eyes. Did Pim basically just trade one master for another? Obviously Elder is a dark man himself but there has to be something that made him return for Pim. My hope is that Pim gets her independence because she now knows that the girl she was of 18 is long gone & maybe that isn't a bad thing. Her eyes are open to real life & real tragedy & she won't take one second for granted if she is given a taste of freedom. So dark & violent & heartbreaking. I would say i need an easy read after this but I just need more!