Average rating4
During a recent vacation to New Mexico, I saw Tony Hillerman's books at just about every single gift shop and anywhere selling books. After thoroughly enjoying all the wonderful sights of New Mexico, I thought I'd like to go there again from home.
Well, whoopsie doodles, I picked up the fourth book in Tony Hillman's detective series because it was the oldest one available at the library. And I'd neglected my phone at home and couldn't look up the proper order. Or ask a librarian.
Anyway, I'm glad I started with this book instead of the first, which I had a harder time sticking with. The characters are well-drawn and the story was engaging. The author does a good job of keeping you interested in the politics and jurisdictional rules of Indigenous American reservations and municipal/county/state/Federal authorities. That might sound dullsville, but not in the author's hands.