Average rating3
Have you ever read a book that seems good on the surface, but the more you think about it the more you dislike it? This is one of those books for me. I remember that I liked it when I read it (my original rating on Goodreads was a 4), but I can't remember why I liked it. The things that had a lasting impression with me are the things that I didn't like so much (insta-love, crazy conspiracies, abusive relationships, and mean girls just to start).
Poor Little Dead Girls had a fair amount of creep factor in it. At first glance, it's about your run of the mill secret society at a prestigious boarding school. Think Skull & Bones. The kidnapping that Sadie goes through doesn't seem so weird when you partner it with a little bit of hazing and the thrill of a secret society.
But then things do get a little weird.
Sadie realizes her mother - who committed suicide - also went to Keating and was a part of this group. And another girl recently disappeared. Sadie begins to wonder if the group could have had anything to do with those events and begins to snoop. But then she learns the real intent behind the society - and I won't spoil that for you here. She decides the group needs to be stopped and does everything in her power to do so.
And in the end, most things are tied up in a neat little bow. But there is one plot point that really bothers me. The group took something from Sadie - something important - and she didn't get it back. The police told her to assume it got destroyed. And then... everything was back to normal.
If it were me, I would NOT be okay with that assumption.
Of course, I suppose this dangling end leaves open the possibility of a sequel one day. A sequel that I won't read.