Raised by Wolves
2006 • 432 pages


Average rating3.3


Bryn survives an attack by a rabid werewolf, a wolf that attacks humans at a whim, but is left an orphan because her parents weren't so lucky. Bryn is adopted by the alpha Callum who saved her and is gifted to a human member of his pack, Ali. This is the story of 15 year old Bryn, her dealing with the attack that lead to her adoption as well as dealing with the fact that she belongs to a pack with many rules she doesn't like.

I have read some reviews on Goodreads, mind you I read them when I was about 200 pages into the book because I was ready to give up, and I have to agree with some of the readers that there are some issues with the way the story is being told. The first 200 pages could have been edited way down because it was really slow. Too much fluff that really didn't need to be in there to get us to some good stuff. Bryn is spunky but also likes to push adult buttons. I personally can't stand kids always trying to do the opposite because they just don't like following adult's rules in real life... can you imagine having to read 400 something odd pages of it? MAN! But at any rate I kept going. No I didn't like the one word sentences/phrases ie. blood. blood. survive. mine. mine. pack. pack. It got to be a bit much. I didn't like how the story dragged for the first 200 pages. I didn't like how Bryn was instantaneously drawn to Chase, her love interest in the book. It wasn't the instantaneous love, which by the way was never flat out defined as love in other words the words were never said, however, it was that the reason for the attraction the pull was never really explained thoroughly. The author tried to make sense of it in the end and gave a good reasoning for the pull and connection but not the explanation for the over powering, you are the one and no one else attraction that emerged so suddenly after meeting this guy one time. For most of the book I was trying to figure out if they really were into each other that way or if this was another mysterious twist. I felt this way even when they were hugging. It just felt odd.

What I did like:
a. The author developed several complex characters; Bryn, Callum, Ali, Lake, Chase, Devon.
b. The story picked up drastically in the second half and made for a good story.
c. I really started to dig Bryn's special gift.
d. I liked how the author introduced some of their social issues and how the characters dealt with them.
e. I really liked how the author brought it all together in the end and very nicely if I say so myself...I just did :-).

This was the first werewolf story I've ever read besides in Twilight and we get a peek into werewolf society in those books. I have to say this book peaked my interest in reading other werewolf books. All in all I enjoyed the second half of the book a lot and probably give this book a 3.5. I haven't decided if I'll be reading the sequels to this book yet. If I do it will be a while. So read at your own risk. Everyone has different likes and dislikes... One of my favorite authors gave this book 5 stars and called it the best book ever. So who knows you might feel the same way too!

November 23, 2011Report this review