Random Sh*t Flying Through the Air
Random Sh*t Flying Through the Air
Average rating4
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.
There is no good reason that it’s taken me three years to read this book given how much I enjoyed its predecessor. But it did, and now I can answer the question:
Teagan and her team are back on course after the events of The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind, she’s still haunted by those events (or, more specifically who was behind them). Still, they’re back in action as if they’d never been chased by the police, and have even added a new member to the team (and I’m so glad that Ford figured out a nice way to work him in) to the series.
Teagan’s no longer considering her team coworkers (coworkers by coercion, no less), but friends. She has plans to take cooking classes. That’s not all, she’s even trying to repair the disaster that is her friendship/budding romance. Things are looking up, basically.
Which means it’s time for things to start going wrong. And boy howdy, do they go wrong in a big way. One thing that Teagan, her team, and the shadowy government officials who employ them learned in the previous book, is that there are other people out there with abilities like hers.
For example, there’s this cute little kid—he’s smart enough that it’s a super-power in and of itself—he’s like Teagan, but his powers work best with rock, dirt, soil—basically, anything you focus on in Geology class. And he discovers that if he can access a fault line, he can do a whole lot. Between his power, his intelligence, and a complete lack of moral compass—this discovery isn’t good for anyone.
The question quickly becomes: can Teagan and the rest of her team stop him before mapmakers need to redo the Western coast of North America?
That last line wasn’t a joke—the stakes are literally that high in this one. This is a big jump—we go from a confused younger adult convinced he’s doing the right thing by killing a few people to literally risking several states and provinces? “Ford’s not really going to…oh, yes he is.”
It’s hard to imagine how the stakes could be higher (I’m a little nervous about the next two books), but this remained a very personal story. Amidst the threat of death and widespread destruction, the novel is about Teagan, the boy, and a few people in their immediate circle. Yes, the fate of millions hangs in the balance—but our focus never gets bigger than twenty people.
At the end of The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind, Teagan’s in a better place than she began the novel in—she’s gained a little self-acceptance, has a better relationship with her team, and so on. But she’s essentially the same person. Which is both good and bad.
What we see in this novel is how much she needs to grow as a person—and as someone with abilities and knowing how/when/why to use them. She does grow a lot in these ways, as you’d hope. But we also see how far she still has to go. Sure, readers could tell that (like her rival) her abilities could be strengthened and improved in her debut—but I don’t know if I realized how far she had to go emotionally as I did this time.
It’s good to see that she is growing—and seems to be aware of her shortcomings, so we can expect to see more of it. Which is all we can ask for.
This is just what you want in a super-hero-ish kind of book. There’s drama, there’s action—the kind that CGI wouldn’t quite render right—there’s comedy, there’s honest and brutal emotion. Come to think of it, that’s pretty much what I want in any kind of book (well, I don’t demand action in every one…but you know what I mean). There’s a depth to RSFTtA that TGWCMSWHM didn’t quite have, but it maintained the same voice.
Yeah, I talked about emotional growth and high stakes and all—but at the core of the book is still Teagan’s snarky inner monologue taking us through everything. She takes some hard hits physically, mentally, and emotionally through these events, but it’s still her voice talking us through them. So the book is still entertaining no matter what.
If Ford is going to up his game—and up Teagan’s as well—this much between books 1 and 2, I can’t imagine what’s in store for us in the next two books. But man, am I going to enjoy finding out. I do recommend grabbing the first one before diving in here, but it’s not essential. Either way, pick this up.