Average rating4.1
4.50/5.00 “When I see what life does to people, you know, you don't seem so bad”.
Reaper Man will be the most ridiculously creative story you've read, a tale of bringing life to death, a story that builds a character most beloved to the discworld. Terry Pratchett's wisdom and incredible prose weaves a tale that spins so out of control and winds back elegantly to present the beautiful message of this story. Life is worth living, life has meaning because death cares, something cares.
“Good grief, you must walk like a cat!” she said. I MUST ?“I mean I didn't hear you”.
Emotional Impact -> Ah the archchanceller and the warriors of the unseen university are an infinite amount of fun! Omg the comedy is wonderful. I was laughing for quite a bit of this book. The romance between Bill Door and Renata is a precious gem, one of the best fantasy romances I have read. And Schlapall, wow, just amazing. I loved the wonderful journey of windle poons. Great read! Fav discworld book so far.Characters -> Death grows in predictable ways, but it's satisfying. I love Ridcully and the wizards, Renata, Schlapall and the death of rats! Windle my dear windle. Solid characters!Plot -> I didn't see the confrontation between death and Bill Door coming. Renata giving up her life time to save Death is a so awesome. The crazy living city, the first timers club, the auditors and Arazel! What a crazy ride. Great plot!Prose -> so funny. So witty. So poetic. So Terry Pratchett. Excellent.World Building -> In Reaper Man, Discworld takes more a solid shape. While still insane and absurdist in the best way, it also gets better defined. I'm loving it! The auditors and the way they speak, the life timers, the living city, the life force, the death of rats lol... Extraordinary!!