Average rating4.1
Executive Summary: I enjoyed this, but it wasn't as funny or enjoyable as [b:Mort 386372 Mort (Death, #1; Discworld, #4) Terry Pratchett https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388181166s/386372.jpg 1857065] in my opinion.Full ReviewSo I love Death as a character in Discworld. His parts in the previous books are always some of the highlights. I also feel like [b:Mort 386372 Mort (Death, #1; Discworld, #4) Terry Pratchett https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1388181166s/386372.jpg 1857065] has been one of my favorite books of the series so far.I didn't find myself laughing at this one as much as I have with the others, but I did enjoy it. My main issue was it focused too much on Windle Poons and not enough on Death himself. The parts that focused on Death were great.Death goes on vacation is a great seed for a story, and while Windle is meant to highlight some of those consequences, I just never really connected with him or the other supporting characters in his story that much. The two exceptions would have to be the Boogeyman and Mrs. Cake. I especially liked Mrs. Cake and the reaction from other characters to her throughout the book.But as this is a Death book, Death himself is the real star. His experience at what it means to be human is at times amusing, but often very insightful. Mr. Pratchett has some very poignant things to say about what it means to be alive, which is that much more meaningful because it ends.Death comes to all things, and a world without death is one that could not sustain itself as this book illustrates.Overall I thought this was still one of the better books of the series so far, but not quite as good as some of the others. I hope the next Death book in the series will spend more time focused on him than this one did.