2013 • 368 pages


Average rating4


3.5 stars (I am just going to type this as I wait for the show I am watching to completely load)
this book was good but you know me, I can't not bash YA books. So brace yourselves.
What I liked most about this book is that 17 year-olds aren't expected to save the world. The story line was fantastic but I expected more of this book considering how well it started.

It started with Wren being extremely cold, which is to be expected. It was actually good. Wren was this passive badass cold human being (Show almost done loading, shit) and the writing was really being supportive on that point. I have a tiny bit of criticism. I get it how the writing style should be cold but I think it failed at first to convey that (show done loading, let me just finish this sentence) because the author wanted it to be mysterious but only got as a result the style being a tiny bit cheesy. (Okay I will watch an episode and come back).
Show's over
let me just gather my thoughts again... where was I? oh yes!
The writing style at the beginning didn't bug me a lot. I liked how when 22 came along she started going through a gradual slow change, and I thought “Amy, good girl! YOU ARE DOING IT RIGHT!!! KEEP GOING KEEP GOING!!” So I thought this is going to be one of the few YA I will actually like (Don't get me wrong, I liked it) but then BOOM she started “OMG I want him to kiss me”, the gradual change stopped, so there wasn't any clear line to demonstrate when she started liking him (Same with Juliette and Warner in the Shatter me series) and she started getting all wet and becoming a typical typical teenager that I rolled my eyes, A LOT. And I really don't get YA authors' fear of sex. I mean everyone knows about it, and everyone goes around and does it. I would actually prefer that it is described the way it is because teenagers read YA and I think they would like to know the wisest way to not fall pregnant at 16 and get on MTV, you get what I mean? I am not saying I want sex everywhere, I just think it would be better for teenagers to read about it in books in a clear responsible way so they wouldn't get into problems.

But all in all, I liked it. It was fast-paced and I managed to storm through it.
I am not sure I want to read book two because of its title :P I think we had a lot of rebels in YA books even though this series requires it but it will make me hate the book because of the point I mentioned at first which was the thing that I loved the most about the book (Check above ^^^^^ )

That's all for now :D

August 30, 2015Report this review