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1.75 stars
I don't understand the hype around this book. The writing tone is inconsistent, sometimes juvenile and not in a good way. The characters, especially Sadie were extremely unlikeable, not even in a morally gray way, but in a malicious she-wanted-to-be-chased way, often with admittance that she knew all along the opposite of what she is accusing people of. She also engaged in vile actions as well. The writing was cheesy and redundant, often illogical. For ex., excessive comparisons of real life things to being a game designer, including some aspects of motherhood and how Sadie dehumanized her own child to be able to make sense that this child is their own person by comparing her to a game character. The dialogue was clunky. The ending, after 500 pages was extremely unsatisfying and dull. The writing dragged on. It was unnecessarily long.
One thing in particular I hated was the author deliberately letting 2 years pass in the narration, moving to a different set of events after those two years, not even grand events, and then filling in the gaps of those 2 years in retrospect . It was fine the first few times, but it became super annoying very fast. The ending made it feel that all that reading was severely pointless.
Je ne sais pas si je dois donner ce livre là 4 ou 5 étoiles. D'une part, il y a des parties où le livre était très rapide avec la narration. Mais d'autre part, j'ai adoré l'histoire et la fin de ce livre. Alors, le plus sage serait de lui donner 4.5 étoiles.
the ending was a disappointment :( Okay maybe the movie trailer ruined it for me but even if I didn't see it , it was still a disappointment :(
The ending of book one and two were the same. The best ending was in book three.
But still I liked the book , it was so awesome and creative even if stephanie's writing style is annoying sometimes. But her description is so thorough and accurate and it makes you imagine very clearly the scene and the people in question.
Okay, even if the series is not very good, it still hurts knowing that I finished it :( secret, I even cried in one place
I now understand the whole feelings people get when they finish a series no matter how good or bad it is ... This is the first time I finish a series :(
Just the idea that I won't have the chance to read about these characters and about this plot again is... hard :(
Okay, maybe I am too emotional
Anyway, the ending is still a disappointment :p
4.5 stars, going on five.
The only problem I had with this book is the obvious point, the one you can't ignore, and that it is translated. AND DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE TRANSLATED WORKS? Well, now you do. Even so, I found the translation to be better than I thought.
But other than that, the book was perfect. It is sooooo smart I can't even begin to think how brilliant the story teller is.
Loved it!
But the problem is, people told me it is mind blowing repeatedly that, like Sheldon From the Big Bang Theory puts it “My mind was pre-blown” :(
Fucking hopes up.
But I enjoyed this. This was something you can't live your reading life without at least having a simple glimpse at.
I recommend.