Average rating3
From renowned author, Kyoko Okazaki. the creator of Helter Skelter and Pink, comes a story of adolescence filled with friendship, drama and intertwined relationships of six high school friends. At the edge of the city not far from the sea, a field of goldenrod sways in the breeze, its veil of amber flowers obscuring secrets underneath. Old bones and forgotten memories rest in silence, waiting for someone to dig them up. This is where the lives of six young men and women intertwine in ways both tragic and extraordinary. Decaying secrets are revealed as they forge friendships from pain, find betrayal in pleasure, and stare into the face of death itself—in a field of gold by a stagnant river, under the smoke-filled skies. 18+
Reviews with the most likes.
What a book!
This 90's manga has the unique stlye of Kyoko Okazaki and is a heavy but also poetic work.
Following the paths of some high school students in Tokyo in the mid 90s, it tells about hard realities of growing up, of being an outcast as well as fitting in but still having to balance complicated feelings and dealing with hard realities. It‘s about nihilism, about the troubles of being a teenager who has to navigate in a socitey that seems to push and pull from all sides.
Despite the rawness and the crudeness of Okazakis style, „River‘s Edge“ has a very poetic way of dealing with all those hardships and with words.
It is not too graphic when it comes to violence and sex scenes, but they do play important roles and the reader should know that there‘s a reason for the manga being recommended 18+.
Overall I really enjoyed reading it and it definitely left a fleeting impression on me.