Romancing Mister Bridgerton

Romancing Mister Bridgerton

2002 • 384 pages


Average rating3.5


There are some details in Julia Quinn's writing that are ridiculous, like “ancient act” or how she put it :-D I think she has mentioned it in every one of the 4 books I've read now :-D
Also, in this book “he released the breath he didn't know he was holding”
But, those are so typical romance novel things I can easily ignore them.

I liked this one. Also, because the main character is supposed to be plus-sized. Though I don't know, the description didn't quite fit a seriously fat person. I think Julia Quinn just imagined a normal-sized woman, while all the others were size 0 or something.

I also listened this as an audiobook, and I thoroughly enjoy Rosalyn Landor's reading. All the gasps and moans and that :-D And she does the male and female voices very nicely.

August 13, 2023Report this review