Sacred Companions: The Gift of Spiritual Friendship Direction

Sacred Companions

The Gift of Spiritual Friendship Direction

2002 • 240 pages

Short review: I have been reading books on spiritual direction over the past several months trying to see what I am really looking for when I look for a spiritual director. This book looks at four different types of spiritual direction (Spiritual friendship, Formal Spiritual direction, Small group spiritual direction and spiritual direction in marriage). In all three Benner suggests there are three goals (1) becoming a great lover, (2) becoming whole and holy, and (3) becoming our true self-in-Christ. I spent nearly a month slowly reading through this, not because it is difficult but because I am still unsure about what I am really looking for. But this was a helpful book to get some more perspective on spiritual direction.

My full review is on my blog at

July 10, 2013Report this review