Sacred Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity

Sacred Fire

A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity

2014 • 370 pages

I don't know how to comment on this. I read it over too long of a period. There were quotes and ideas that were helpful, but a lot that I just did not get. One of the problems of books on the Christian life is that they can be either trite or unintelligible. This one was recommended by several in my spiritual direction class as helpful. I found it mostly unintelligible. Not unreadable, but I just wasn't really sure what it was doing too often. I probably would get more from it if I read it again more quickly a second time. But it is also intended to be a more advanced book to one of his earlier books. So maybe I should read that earlier books first and then come back to this.

The problem is that I have way too many books. And I never know when a book is worth spending more time on to understand better and when the book is just not for me and I should move on to something else.

March 10, 2020Report this review