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This book is about the French Baron, Marshal of France in the (15th century)-Gilles de Rais, it explains historical information about who Gilles de Rais was, which I already knew about since I am very interested in medieval serial killers.
I already know a lot about Gilles de Rais, but it's still interesting to read about them in-depth, historical detail.
I've already read The Black Baron about Gilles de Rais, I also intend to read the Trial of Gilles de Rais.
Since Gilles de Rais was the marshal of France, some people believe that he was a scapegoat, a prime target to blame for horrific, satanic crimes, heresy, blasphemy due to him being nobility and the peasantry or other nobles didn't like or approve of him so they had the intention to ruin the reputation of Gilles de Rais on purpose.
There is some evidence to prove that he may have been innocent so it would be interesting if this is ever conclusively solved or proved.
There are various contradictory things about Gilles de Rais, his behaviour, mindset, mentality, perception of his role as a Baron & the Marshall of France.
He is quite arrogant, narcissistic to think & believe that he will gain any type of forgiveness, pardon for his disturbing and horrific, sadistic crimes.
He truly believed that if he just showed remorse, gained sympathy from the peasantry-whose children he kidnapped, lured & was sexually motivated to sexually torture, murdered & sacrificed their children for his sick, sadistic, sexual gratification if he proved to God that he was sorry for what he did he would be pardoned and not executed.
However he wasn't the only person that murdered children his family members, friends, servants were involved, so rightfully so they were also executed for being guilty by association, as Gilles de Rais accomplices.
It really disgusts me, how Gilles de Rais is described as a so-called “