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3.5 Stars
I had to finish this one in prep for my ARC of book three coming out in June. I am super busy so no fancy ass graphics today...
This one was OK. Not this author's best work IMO. There were a lot of inconsistencies. And as much as I love a good manwhore and Lexi writes some great ones...sleeping with over 100 hookers doesn't make you a manwhore it makes you a skeevy STD riddled sex addict. No way to redeem that level of yuck.
On the flip side anytime I get some Ian action is a good time. Throw in some Chase and Drew (cannot wait for his book...oh wait I don't have to I have an ARC! lol) and I am one happy camper. And lastly, as always the suspense part of this one was really good.
So there you have it. A bit of a mixed bag for me. If the author had toned down the level of skank with Bran and gave Carly a backbone it very well would have garnered an additional star from yours truly.