Average rating4.4
I didn't realise til about a quarter in that I have already read one of Rachel Held Evans' books before - it must be a later one than this because I couldn't find it in the author bio. I am fascinated by this new type of Christian memoir/ apologetics from the ‘former' (?) American evangelical Christians who had a crisis of faith and moved into other denominations. They aren't new monastics like Shane Claiborne, they still preach the ‘loving like Jesus' thing, but there is a desire for the rituals of sacrament and liturgy in Anglican/Episcopal tradition here (and the Lutheran church in Pastrix earlier, Rachel mentions Nadia and several of her ideas more than once) It's interesting that attitudes towards lgbtqi individuals is the breaking point many times for being able to deal with Christian churches and organisations (more accessible/ understandable for a general audience? or just the cultural bugbear of the times? not that I object necessarily, it just makes me wonder what if it had been something else?)