Sixteen Writers on The Decision Not To Have Kids
Average rating3
I've only listened to 2 essays so far, and neither were great, and yes,this is on me because I didn't check to see the list of contributing authors - but Lionel Shriver is included here. Yep, you may remember Lionel Shriver from such things as using the Brisbane Writers Festival to publicly argue FOR cultural appropriation. Annnnd I'm done here. In case you need further opinions to solidify the point that Lionel Shriver's racist dreck is not worth your eyeballs or ears, I just saw this gem of a 1-star review from fellow Goodreadser Rana from Apr 24, 2015:
ETA: I thought more about this and I remembered the exact point at which I stopped reading. Lionel Shriver's essay; it was horrifyingly racist in that she laments that her choice not to have kids means she won't be passing along her intelligent and literary European genes. If I feel, oh, a little wistful about the fact that the country of my birth, the United States, will probably within my lifetime no longer be peopled in majority by those of European extraction like me, that passing dismay has never been considerable enough for me to inconvenience myself by giving lifts to football practice. Her whole essay was about how it was so sad that her white and educated friends weren't having babies but that developing countries and immigrants were. Yep, that was when I stopped reading.