Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and Tension with
The freeze or immobility response is stored forever in procedural memory unless it is released, or the act of survival is "completed" through a "discharge"
I find myself skeptical of the claim that mechanical vibrations do much of anything for healthy and athletic populations
Recent anthropological literature shows that members of various cultures use tremoring practices for healing. The anthropologist Barbara Tedlock (2005: 83–85) describes trembling among a wide range of cultural groups as practice to use “vital energy” to facilitate healing. Keeney (2007: 2) perceives “the shake” as “the oldest medicine on earth.”
These tremors can move through the whole body (Keeney 2007: 52). The San woman |Am describes this experience in the following words: “It feels like there is a hole going through your body. You tremble in rhythm, even your crotch trembles. If you reach !aia[healing trance], you call out for water, because you are hot inside. Even if you don’t know the songs, you can !aia. The n|om itself tells you how to sing and dance.”
Maybe there's actually something to 'speaking in tongues", which always seemed like a bizarre ritual to me