Average rating4
Whew! What an adventure!
This story was chock full with twists and suspects and dangerous events. The cast was great, especially the leads and the baddies. Not that I like psychos or anything, but the ones in this book were written well enough to appear on Criminal Minds.
The stalker angle was exquisitely written. It kept the tension high and my nerves on edge.
The fact that this book featured the rock climbing community made me so happy. I wish adventure sports would be featured a lot more in Christian fiction (in a variety of genres, please!), and this book was a great start toward that. The rock climbing and the equipment stores and gear were all used well throughout the plot, and I soon felt like I was immersed in the community myself because the author infused the book with details that made the rock climbing aspects (named above, plus more I'm probably forgetting) pop right off the page in an atmospheric way. This book is proof that research is required even when writing contemporary fiction. Trust me, y'all: Research pays off and enriches the story.
There was heavy emphasis on marital affairs through the first third or so of the book. That's really the main thing that docked a star. The other thing was the use of one derogatory term.
Only one book to go in this series!
Content: tattoos, marital affairs, derogatory term