Snow Fairy

Snow Fairy

2022 • 210 pages


Average rating5


Rating: 5 leaves out of 5Characters: 5/5Cover(plus art): 5/5Story: 5/5Writing: 5/5Genre: Romance/BLType: MangaWorth?: Yes!Hated Disliked Liked Loved FavoritedFirst want to thank Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this in exchange for an honest review. Secondly WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN TOKYOPOP?! I was honestly scared you had stopped posting request for manga.Now to the story. It was so cute and adorable. The are is beautifully done and the story? Sweet as hell. If you are looking for a one and done manga this is it. You get the story and an ending and everything in between. A cute little winter read that will be sure to warm you up!

March 7, 2023Report this review