Spoken For: Embracing Who You Are and Whose You Are

Spoken For: Embracing Who You Are and Whose You Are


Average rating4


I liked this for what it was. I appreciate that they mention that all we need is God and we do not NEED marriage and I even liked the -very brief- mention of how young women can idolize marriage to the point of making it an idol and put it before pursuing God.

That being said, I GOT why the girls compared a lot of “what God is like” to “what my husband/fiancé/boyfriend is and was like” but it felt more like brief autobiography that quickly at the end said “BUT YOU DON'T NEED TO BE MARRIED TO BE LOVED” but after 200+ pages about romantic love with another person it just didn't come off as strongly as it should have (IMO).

Anyway, I also am bias because I REALLY don't get the whole “writing letters to my future spouse/praying for my non-existent husband daily” thing. Sorry. I just really don't get it. And one of the authors wrote a an entire other book about that so you can see why I disagree with some of the things said.

Still, the Biblical truths were there and the Gospel message was proclaimed and I got some good practical advice that I can use.

September 20, 2016Report this review