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Star Collector, Vol. 2

Vol 1 rating: 4Vol 2 rating: 3

I thought that vol 2 was a little bit less enjoyable than vol 1 (hence the 1 star drop in rating from the previous volume). To me, Fynn was too whiny and demanding in this volume. The plot revolved around his desire to learn Niko's secret(s), but he was too pushy to my taste. I felt bad for Niko who had to give in to avoid Fynn's tantrums and keep him from storming out mid-conversation. I like Fynn despite all of this, but I definitely sympathise more with Niko.

The star/astronomy theme was much less prevalent in this volume, which is a pity considering it was so important in volume 1. I would have liked to see the boys spending more time up on their hill top, admiring the heavens like in vol 1.

Regardless of this criticism, I still enjoyed this volume, and the art was just as gorgeous in this book as it was in the last. It's too bad there are only two volumes in this series. I think it would make for an interesting long-term story. Regardless, this was definitely cute and heartwarming. I'm happy I discovered it!

March 25, 2022Report this review