Average rating4.5
Overall, this was a fascinating read, if occasionally confusing when names and timelines get a bit tangled. Despite that though, the story the author lays out shines a little light on the complexities of the antiquities trade, as well as the dangers of engaging in said trade without proper expertise or support. It also tackles the imperialist history of said trade, and how it supported theft on a grand scale of valuable cultural and historical items both in the past and into the present, and likely in the future as well. It also sheds some light on how American evangelical Christians are participating in the antiquities trade in order to shape a historical narrative more aligned with their view of the world - something which needs to be watched very closely and carefully, because if current US politics are anything to go by, these are the last people whom anyone would want shaping the historical narrative on ANYTHING.
Full review here: https://kamreadsandrecs.tumblr.com/post/765845558958194688/title-stolen-fragments-black-markets-bad-faith