Average rating4.3
This is a rather unusual comic. The basic plot is simple enough: a young woman from a primitive planet seeks vengeance for the death of her father and accompanies Supergirl on a journey across space to find the killer. But it's the way that it's written that makes it stand out. It's told entirely from Ruthvye's perspective, a woman hero-worshipping Supergirl and seeing her deeds from outside, and it's largely in first-person prose, written in a lyrical style that befits a fantasy tale more than science fiction.
This could, I acknowledge, be problematic for some readers; both the style and the extent of the prose could prove heavy-going. This is something that I usually find doesn't work well in comics, but, on this occasion I felt that it did, giving an otherworldly tone to the story and lifting it above the mundane. It's also quite dark in places, with more blood than I'd expect in a comic featuring this particular character. It leaps along, cutting out the detail of many of the events, even when the narrator experiences them directly, but does so in a way that manages to keep the focus on what matters, especially her growing relationship with Supergirl. And I have to say that the art is gorgeous, enhancing the ‘fantasy' vibe.