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This book is a collection of excerpts from [b:Early Irish Myths and Sagas 954584 Early Irish Myths and Sagas Anonymous https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1422411927i/954584.SY75.jpg 939494], all featuring Cu Chulaind, published as a Penguin 60s Classic.It is unclear from reading this whether the excerpts were edited for this publication, or whether each excerpt formed a short story in the full collection.The stories are fantasy / mythology, and appear to be parts of sagas (they didn't survive intact apparently) dating from around the 7th Century BC, (but written down in the 8th Century).Tales of heroism, battles, tests of strength, double dealing and tricky wordsmithery, as well as the recurring courtesy / prize of being offered 50 women to keep each of the great warriors company for an evening. Chariots, wrestling, feasting, archery, hacking off heads with axes, even some hurling (the sport).Readable, but a bit disjointed.Only just three stars.