Average rating3.8
This was a very silly read, but it was an enjoyable type of silly. There was definitely a plot in this book and some serious spots that I enjoyed, but overall it was just a fun time. It's fully set in a fantasy world but the writing and dialogue is VERY modern, but thankfully it was in a way that made me laugh rather than taking me out of the story. It's obvious that this book doesn't take itself too seriously and I love that; I think it only makes me like it more.
Also I have a weakness for he fell first and devoted man/slow-to-return-his-feelings woman. That's how I prefer my m/f romances to be written and this book delivered pretty well. Loved the expanding cast of demons and personalities that the author added in as well. I don't think the book was long enough to develop a true found family with them but their friendship was sweet to see.
Honestly I might continue with this series. It was a quick, fun read and I could do with more of those in my life.