PENNY DREADFUL is a frightening psychological thriller that weaves together classic horror origin stories into a new adult drama. The Showtime TV series was created by John Logan and executive produced by Logan and Sam Mendes and stars Josh Hartnett (Sin City), Eva Green (Casino Royale), Billie Piper (Doctor Who) and Timothy Dalton (License to Kill).
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This is one of my favourite series ever, I love the fact that some of my favourite characters from books are in the series, but I would like to see other characters added. Season one was awesome and season two was good as well, I love the creepy encroaching darkness around every corner so it keeps you guessing, but some of the episodes seemed pointless and nothing much happened after a really exciting episode. Dorian Grey was an interesting character when he was mysterious, but now he is really boring and I would rather learn more about Ethan the werewolf or Victor and his creation or his bride. However I really liked the evil witches that was the best part about season 2.
Hopefully there will be more.