Average rating4.1
2.5 stars rounded up.
It worked out for me slightly better than the first one did. The humor calmed down and the plot was somewhat interesting. (Though it wound up heading is a vastly different direction than I thought it would.)
The real issue I had was that everything is pretty much on fast forward. We have little to no time to actually get to know these characters and so much is left open to interpretation. (I'm not going to get into it, but lets just say that if I hadn't read reviews I would have a) been shocked when one boy suddenly started calling another boy his boyfriend when all we got to see was some very light flirting and b) probably totally missed the fact that one boy was vaguely hinted around as being trans.)
For me there was no real character building moments besides of the ‘we're so funny and quirky' moments and, ultimately, despite liking what I have seen of them for the most part, I feel like I really have little idea about these characters or their lives.