Average rating4.2
As I approached the end of the first book I was not convinced that I'd read the second. It was fun, its magic system relatively unique, but the overall story just hadn't pulled me in too much; I didn't get a sense of the world, or its inhabitants besides a small few. But the last chapter of the first book, the cliffhanger with the other prism (to avoid spoiling anything), intrigued me. I said, alright, I'll give it one more book. And I'm glad I did, because this one was a lot of fun. The world really filled itself out; the many interwoven plots were fun and constantly intriguing; and now I have to finish this whole long series. I've just gotta know. Sounds like I'll have to wait for the fifth book too.
My one complaint is that this one had a few superfluous and silly sexual encounters – an issue I tend to have with the genre as a whole. I'm sitting in traffic listening to this audiobook when all of a sudden this entirely unnecessary sex scene or a few paragraphs about breasts interrupt the flow of the story. I'm no prude, but I don't really read for titillation, and when it does so little for the story especially, it just undermines my enjoyment of a book. Thankfully these little interludes were a small fraction of the book.
I've already bought the third.