Average rating4.1
I enjoyed the mystery in the original trilogy of these books. But now that that's gone, all we're left with is the unavoidable CRINGE of Stevie being all #notlikeothergirls. This series has always bugged me for that reason, because every single book, Stevie has to be all “my parents wish I wore dresses but instead I like murder teehee” and it's so. annoying. And the reveal at the end of this book... no. Just, no. There are twists that are smart and plotted well in advance that, upon rereading, you find hints to and could theoretically solve yourself if you had been paying attention. But this is one of those twists that almost feels like cheating because it came from left field and was completely unpredictable. I kind of hate it when an author has the murderer be someone that you hadn't even met until 4 seconds earlier. It only works if you know the murderer is one of the set few characters you've essentially been told to guess between. Anyway, no, just no.