Average rating3.5
The Buried Giant by [a:Kazuo Ishiguro 4280 Kazuo Ishiguro https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1424906625p2/4280.jpg] is like a warm comfortable bard's epic tale told around a warm fire. Like other epic tales of a quest the story is more about the journey and relating the deeds of legendary characters than about the characters themselves. Like ancient epic tales born out of an oral tradition, The Buried Giant's characters are fairly two dimensional, but I argue that this is keeping with the genre of this novel. As you read, imagine the narrator talking not only to you, but to a small gathering on snowy night. With the mood set and some explanation about the structure of the book, I'll note that The Buried Giant is a story of the long and complicated love between a couple who move through fear to acceptance of their fates by way of a great journey filled with knights, warriors, dragons, and a boatman. A note about my rating system: 5 Stars = Among the greatest books. Recommend to anyone.4 Stars = A great book that I would recommend to most, even if it is a genre they don't normally read3 Stars = I liked this book but would only recommend it to those who like the genre or the particular author. 2 Stars = I dont like this book, but for whatever reason I finished it. 1 Star = Rubbish and could not finish.