The Court of the Blind King

The Court of the Blind King

2019 • 384 pages


Average rating3


There were too many strange names, which I couldn't connect to anything, that made me space out parts of the plot.

I also kept forgetting they're underwater due to elves having no physical characteristics to back that up. No gills, no fins, no finger webbing. Some of them are blind, but that's unrelated to water and doesn't seem to be an impairment.

So for a big portion of the book, whenever someone “moved forward” I'd imagine them walking instead of swimming. I think the language should've been adjusted to showcase their submersion a bit more obviously. Same goes for words like “forest”. I forgot to visualize it as kelp.

Another reviewer said they had issues with physics and logistics of this sea world and yeah I can see that too. A lot of it seems to work purely based on magic and I didn't really expect so much pure high fantasy in a 40k universe. My bad, I guess?

The audiobook narrator was excellent. And I found the idea of Sea Elves and their underwater society pretty cool. Story was a bit basic on paper, but writing was definitely professional.

Overall, for a big-game-franchise type of book, it was pretty good. I'd read more.

February 1, 2023Report this review