Average rating4
I read this for the PopSugar reading challenge prompt “A book you loved as a child.” I actually don't have specific recollections of this book, but I knew that I greatly enjoyed reading Bellairs as a kid, and he was instrumental in developing my enduring love of weird fiction and horror.
Unfortunately this didn't keep its magic for me. It had its moments, but felt a little off-key. I was also struck by how much Catholicism forms the backdrop - probably as a Catholic child, I didn't even notice! But as a non-religious adult, it jumped out at me, and made me wonder how accessible the story is to those of other faiths.
Overall, I think the story has weaknesses in plot and pacing that would be less noticeable to a young reader. And honestly I think my experience of Bellairs was greatly enhanced by the Edward Gorey illustrations that appeared in my old editions. They were absent from this printing, and sorely missed.