Average rating4.2
This book was perfect. I do plan on reading this over again a few months from now as I probably missed a few things. I absolutely loved how the book started and the uncomfy feeling I had about one of the characters. I did call how Brandon was being made to look incredibly suspicious and how he's being written as the one who's guilty and the cause of it, which honestly yes he was, but I wasn't sure who to expect to be the killer. All we had to go off was Tristan, Nick, and Bug recognizing this person. It being the Sheriff makes so much sense, I wonder if there were any other signs of him acting suspicious since I don't recall any clues from my first read through.
I feel as if there's some underlying symbolism in this book, but honestly I'm still reeling from the last quarter of this book. I think my only nitpick is that I would have preferred for the author to “show” more of the buildup between Logan and Ashley, as it was more “tell” than anything, yet this book has wormed itself (in a positive way) into a portion of my heart and will probably always be there.
Please take heed of the warnings that the book mentions at the very beginning as it can get dark!!