Cover 4

The Dead Pennies

The Dead Pennies


Average rating4.5


Rating: 4.08 leaves out of 5-Characters: 3.75/5 -Cover: 5/5-Story: 3.75/5-Writing: 4/5Genre: Horror, Paranormal-Horror: 3/5-Paranormal: 5/5Type: EbookWorth?: MehTW: Rape of a child, child abuse, suicideHated Disliked Meh It Was Okay Liked Loved FavoritedWant to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book.This was a pretty darn good horror book, had my stomach turning. The story itself wasn't too bad. From start to finish there was a clear run through and it was basically an easy read, pretty quick. The problems I had was the rape of Hayden I mean I had them everywhere else but the other one made more sense in the story. Also was a bit ticked that Hayden wasn't end game and he turned out to be crazy.

August 7, 2023Report this review