The Door Into Summer

The Door Into Summer

1957 • 190 pages


Average rating3.7


This is a beautiful celebration of the future and the hope and possibilities of what progress and technology could be. Not to mention a love story between a man and a cat.

I don't always love Heinlein books that much; he seems to be one of those authors you're required to respect if you're into science fiction. This book was a different story (so to speak.) Somewhere between a third and halfway through I thought, oh this is just a revenge story and he's showing his usual superficial handling of female characters. By the end, I realized I was dead wrong and this was a fun and uplifting book.

When years pass and I've forgotten the details of this story, one thing I'll always remember is the expressive meaning of the title and the picture in my mind of Pete who was always looking for the door into summer.

July 30, 2021Report this review