The Empress

The Empress

2022 • 336 pages


Average rating3


Rating: 3.6 leaves out of 5Characters: 4/5 Cover: 3/5Story: 3.25/5Writing: 4/5Genre: Romance/Historical FictionType: EbookWorth?: YeahHated Disliked It Was Okay Liked Loved FavoritedThank you Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this for free in exchange for an honest review. Did I forget to put up that I was reading this? Yes, yes I did. Lol. But with that out of the way it wasn't a BAD book. It was a good enough book to read when you need a book to occupy your time. Could it be more historical? Yes, yes it could. Could I have had less romance? Eehhh. The romance was fine, and this is coming from someone who doesn't care for a lot of it. I know there is a spicy scene in it which it was a little heated, but if you read a lot of spicy books I don't think it will be that big. Sisi (Elisabeth) and Franz are kinda cute, I think I could get behind them. Lol.I think the only thing that REALLY bugged me was how the kindle version looked. A lot of the chapters were pushed together or the beginning word was all outta sorts. I really had to push through to keep reading and almost DNFed it because of how horrible the kindle version was.

September 23, 2022Report this review