Average rating3.9
OH MY GOD CAN EVERY VOLUME BE WRITTEN BY TOBIAS!? Just kidding, I like the multi-perspective thing. I just feel like Tobias is the most interesting character to read about from a “adult/mature” perspective. Like he's always going through an existential crisis and some of the things he goes through mentally can be disturbing. Anyway, let's talk about Volume 3. I feel like this one was a lot more epic than the last one (not that I don't like Rachel). This is mostly cuz of Tobias's freakouts and the do-or-die ending. I enjoyed the wolf-pack morph, it's always fun to see what the mind of each animal is like. I'm also really starting to get into the balance of this group. After Tobias, I'm thinking Cassie is my favorite so far. Just picturing her in her overalls I just-d'awwww. The fangirl in me wants to ship non-canon stuff but I just can't because the canon stuff is so cute. Rachel and Tobias have pretty good chemistry (albeit kinda generic). I just wonder what they'll do with Marco, he seems to be the odd one out...I have a feeling his storyline's gonna go dark pretty quickly. I feel like funny characters are usually using their humor as a defense mechanism, know wut I'm sayin'? :I