The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
2005 • 480 pages


Average rating4


4.5 stars, going on five.
The only problem I had with this book is the obvious point, the one you can't ignore, and that it is translated. AND DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE TRANSLATED WORKS? Well, now you do. Even so, I found the translation to be better than I thought.
But other than that, the book was perfect. It is sooooo smart I can't even begin to think how brilliant the story teller is.
Loved it!
But the problem is, people told me it is mind blowing repeatedly that, like Sheldon From the Big Bang Theory puts it “My mind was pre-blown” :(
Fucking hopes up.
But I enjoyed this. This was something you can't live your reading life without at least having a simple glimpse at.
I recommend.

March 1, 2014Report this review