Cover 6

The House on Abigail Lane

The House on Abigail Lane

2020 • 68 pages


Average rating3.8


Rating: 3.70 leaves out of 5-Characters: 4/5 -Cover: 2.75/5-Story: 4/5-Writing: 4/5Genre: Horror, Paranormal, Fantasy, Mystery-Horror: 2/5-Paranormal: 4.75/5-Mystery: 3/5-Fantasy: 5/5Type: EbookWorth?: YeahHated Disliked Meh It Was Okay Liked LovedWhat a big jump from Sour Candy. I absolutely loved how this was written. If you like documentation style stories, this is it. It is about a haunted house and how it grew to recognition and what happens after. It is creepy and very atmospheric. Honestly one of my favs this month!

October 30, 2023Report this review