The Iron King
2010 • 384 pages


Average rating3.5


Personally, I enjoyed this book. The only reason I gave it four stars is because Meghan acted like a complete bumbling idiot half the time. Whether it was making deals with fey (which is a big no no unless you absolutely know what you're doing), or almost getting herself killed (multiple times I might add). But her daring heroism to save her brother makes up for it in the end. The Iron King really drew me in to NeverNever and the faer folk, bringing in old faces from A Midsummer Nights Dream, like Oberon, Puck, and Titania (who really seems like a frigid bitch with a stick up her ass in this book. She's more of an ice queen than Queen Mab, IMO). If you're the kind of person who loves stories with faeries, dragons, and other mystical creatures of all sorts, I'd recommend it.

April 10, 2015Report this review