Average rating4.1
This is the Elizabeth Peters tribute to H. Rider Haggard. She's chosen to do what Arthur Ransome did a few times: to take her familiar set of characters and put them into a fantasy situation, for fun and variety.
It's a mild fantasy, there's nothing supernatural about it, but she allows the Emerson family to be led into a mad quest for long-missing persons in a desert area of northern Sudan (they travel south from Merowe), where they almost die of thirst before finding themselves captives of the descendants of an ancient civilization living in a hidden oasis in the mountains.
There is conflict between rival factions of their captors, and much intrigue and peril ensues before they eventually escape.
Looking at some other reviews of this book, I notice that some people seem to have picked it up without having read any of the others. Folks, if you're going to read a series of books, it's advisable to start at the beginning!
I would also comment that this whole series of books is not supposed to be taken seriously. Least of all this one.
I can't say it's one of my favourite books, but it's quite fun, and it introduces a new regular character to the series.