Average rating3.6
2.5 stars, I think. It's not bad. It even has some really lovely paragraphs. But it's one of those gimmicky sort-of science-fictiony-apocalyptic literary fiction novels that young, privileged, well-educated, usually white people write. The cast has some diversity, but I tired of one character's designation being Black Doctor. And the main character was dull, even in her spiral toward insanity. And frustrating, because she gets downright mean to a child of thirteen and seems to think throughout most of the book that he's a college student–and there is definitely an awkward racial element there. Which is, unfortunately, realistic. And whilst I'm no believer in the god of the big three monotheisms, I'm really bored with the insane Christian trope. If it were something different, but it rarely is.
So it's not bad, it's even enjoyable at times, but nothing original is happening here. It is, however, better than ‘Security' or ‘The Three.' And certainly better than ‘The Passage' trilogy from Hell.