by Andrea Renee Cox
I really wanted to like this book, but it annoyed me from beginning to end. There were major inconsistencies, weak and too-convenient backgrounds, men who used their positions of authority as an excuse to be rude and controlling, a couple of random flashbacks that were not grounded in the previous scene, an expletive, and lewd talk. The thing that bothered me the most was the main theme of the story. While being aware of mental health and attempting to fix it is a current-day topic, it was not, as far as I'm aware, something that was broadly known back in the Civil War days. From everything I've learned about that time period, folks with mental health issues were simply sent to asylums and forgotten. This definitely pulled me from the story, because it has been in my lifetime that the mental health issues have come to the forefront of societal awareness. This theme was very out of place for the book's era.
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