Cover 4

The Man on the Stairs

The Man on the Stairs


Average rating2


I didn't read No One Belongs Here More Than You, where the short story was published originally. I am just reviewing the one short story I came across. I thought this boring and it actually made me angry.

The narrator is woken up by a noise and she hears someone coming up the stairs in her apartment. Instead of getting up to kick some ass, she does nothing. She lays in bed and has an inner conversation with herself and thinks about her life. She's unarmed, someone is in her apartment, she leaves her boyfriend that is described as an asshole asleep, and she does not do a damn thing.

She talks about her boyfriend and we see some parallel with the intruder and her boyfriend. She hates them both and technically they are both strangers to her. The story was disappointing. I was angry with the woman for not standing up for herself, for not doing all in her might to fight back, and for staying in a loveless relationship.

No One Belongs Here More Than You, has some good reviews so I may give it a shot, and read.

September 17, 2016Report this review